
We had the pleasure of working with Siemens Enterprise Communications, earlier this month at their Milton Keynes office during the launch of the Amplify Teams initiative which focuses on the disparate, disconnected communication tools we all use and how these have developed into a fragmented mess! Even as an SME, BigAnt Video sometimes struggles to communicate with all our team when we are scattered around the world.
There was good attendance with businesses from all sectors and all sizes enjoying presentations from Chris Hummel CCO at Siemens alongside interactive demonstrations and a tour of the top secret demo room!
Although we were working we were impressed with the dramatic shift in the way teams can interact using Amplify Teams allowing Visual, audible, vocal, tactile, Cognitive, Intuitive and Mobile communications through one system.

“Vibrant Conversations” is Siemens vision of a better way to collaborate. It’s a completely new approach that weaves together multichannel communications in a fluid, immersive manner, enabling teams to work much smarter and more effectively.

Exciting stuff, and in the long term this should help all of us in the way we communicate and how efficient it is.