With the Big Ant mobile loaded up, I set off to Wimbledon to assist Penny Power (co-founder of Ecademy) and her daughter Hannah, capture an interview on behalf of Digital Youth Academy with Theo Paphitis.
Digital Youth Academy’s aim is to bring together two groups of people in an initiative which will combine skills to grow their futures; the goal being connecting the digital generation to business.
Arriving in the car park I had serious regrets about not having our C8 cleaned before setting off. It looked pretty grotty and boring next to Theo’s Maybach. It looked like something from the Roswell site. Theo’s explanation of why it was chrome plated? It’s discreet!
Everyone at Ryman was fantastically helpful, and the venue was great.
Penny’s daughter Hannah had the daunting job of interviewing Theo, but all her fears were unfounded. 30 seconds into the interview it was like they were old friends.
Penny and Hannah had a very clear idea of what they wanted to cover in the interview, and Theo was word perfect. A ‘one take’ guy. So despite a pretty tight schedule, we captured all the footage we wanted.
Theo even gave us some copies of his book which he signed for us. I am sad however that the inscription to me did not read “To Steve, my inspiration”, but you can’t have everything…
Heres the video: