Five Lamps Films hosted an evening of short films at The Quad in Derby. Carl and Sam were ace hosts, and played off each other very well. There was also a really good turn out, with people having to stand because all the tables were taken.
Really worth a visit, not least to get some ideas, see everything from a zero budget production to something where someone actually pays, and also to meet some funky people.
The projector in the Box is pretty awesome with great dynamic range, and enough resolution to fool you into thinking it’s HD.
We saw everything from stylish pop videos (nice one Sam!), to symbolism, to humour (love the Hangover!).
We’ll be there next month, hopefully this time with a couple of films ready to show. Be there!
About Big Ant Video
We are an efficient creative video production company based in Derbyshire, who specialise in web-based videos.
– educational video
– YouTube channels
– video testimonials
– company profile videos
– drone surveys and filming
– trade stand video
– customer testimonials
– video logos / idents
– interactive videoSocial Media
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